Bobcat Crane Service

When taking on a construction project that requires lifting heavy loads, having a properly sized crane is crucial to both safety and efficiency. Selecting a crane that is too small can lead to overloading and tipping accidents while choosing one that is much too large wastes time and money. By following some key steps and planning from the very start, you can find the optimal crane for the job with a crane rental company.

Steps for Safe Crane Operation

Crane operation entails risks that must be carefully managed. Only properly trained and certified operators should be at the controls. Additionally, clear communication protocols should be established so ground workers can effectively direct the load movements. Indicating the load weight and keeping the area below the load clear of workers are also vital for preventing accidents. Regular inspection and maintenance plus blocking strong winds and storms are other components of crane use.

Safe Setup and Operation

When first setting up the crane, check that the outriggers are fully extended and planted on solid ground. Use pads if the surface is soft. Make sure the machine is level, with the wheels are touching the ground for stability. Carefully test the controls and complete several dry runs without a load to verify proper function. Clearly mark the working radius and do not allow the boom or load to exceed this. Only add loads once everything is confirmed safe and operational.

Choose the Right Crane from the Start

Crane selection depends on the maximum load weight and the horizontal/vertical distances needed to place the loads. Consider future needs to avoid repeated mobilization costs. Telescopic boom cranes are versatile for most applications while lattice boom cranes handle ultra-heavy loads. Tower and overhead cranes serve fixed locations. Getting professional advice when choosing a crane is highly recommended, as there are many capacity charts and regulations to decipher.

Comprehensive Work Planning

A lift plan documenting exactly what will be moved, equipment requirements, site layout and personnel should guide all hoisting activities. Engineering analysis of rigging angles, lift heights and tension in slings determines safe capacity limits. Soil conditions, nearby structures and overhead lines must also be noted and accommodated. Both routine and special lifts require extensive coordination between crane operators, riggers and those receiving the loads. Proper planning prevents disasters.

Training and Supervision

Crane operation is a complex skill requiring both initial training and continuing practice. Certification should be through an accredited program with medical exams ensuring operator fitness. Employers must confirm all operators have current credentials for the equipment used. Close supervision, especially of newer operators, helps avert mistakes. Updating training when adding cranes of different types of controls is also essential.

Inspections and Maintenance

Following manufacturer specifications for maintenance like lubrication, cable replacement and hydraulic checks maximizes safety and service life. Thorough monthly inspections by qualified personnel can find wear issues or damaged components needing repair. Items like hooks, slings, outriggers and alarms merit special attention. Careful log keeping provides records of all safety checks and work done. Keeping a crane well-maintained prevents breakdowns which delay projects and potentially endanger workers.

Careful planning, training, inspections and supervision are all vital for safe, effective performance. Compromising on any of these fronts risks expensive damage and tragic accidents. Investing the necessary time and resources into crane selection and management protects budgets, schedules and most importantly lives.

Factors for Choosing Crane Size

Selecting the optimal crane size might seem straightforward based on the weights being lifted. However, several other factors influence capacity needs. The working radius – how far the load must move horizontally and vertically – significantly impacts how much a particular crane can handle. Components like the boom length and number of parts of the line in the rigging system further modify capacity. The space available onsite along with surface conditions supporting the outriggers also dictate which machines can operate safely. Considering all these elements plus planning for future growth is necessary when specifying what size crane to utilize.

  • Working Radius

As the distance from the center pin of the crane increases when maneuvering a load, the allowable capacity decreases substantially. Rating charts show these reductions which may be 50% or more just from swinging a load from over the rear to over the side. Telescoping out the boom further decreases capacity. Carefully plotting the horizontal and vertical travel distances for each load based on the site layout enables accurate crane sizing. Remember to allow for boom deflection under heavy loads when calculating working radii.

  • Crane Type

Many types of cranes are available, each with advantages for particular situations. Truck-mounted telescopic boom cranes offer excellent roadability and versatility for modest-sized loads lifted close in. Crawler lattice booms allow very heavy picks and long reaches but move slowly. Tower cranes efficiently serve centralized sites with limited space. Overhead gantry-style cranes cover specific bays inside warehouses. Clamshell grabs lift loose materials. Determining what combinations of lift heights, weights, mobility and reach are needed should point to a category of crane to suit that application.

  • Boom Length

The length of the crane’s boom interacts with the working radius to determine capacity limits. Short boom cranes make them quite maneuverable and usable in tight locations but limit their ability to lift loads high and away from the machine’s center point. Telescoping booms provide variable length to adapt to changing needs. Tower cranes often utilize booms exceeding 100 feet for constructing tall buildings. Remember capacity drops substantially when booms are extended so check ratings against lift requirements.

  • Load Capacity

After establishing the working radii and boom length necessary from site plans, comparing those measurements with crane capacity charts will define what machine ratings are adequate. Remember to compute the total weight of items like lifting beams, rigging hardware and debris boxes that will be suspended from the hook in addition to just the components being lifted and installed. Allowing an extra margin for incidentals and future growth is also good practice when specifying capacity requirements.

Contact Bobcat Contracting to Get a Quote from a Crane Rental Company

Contact Bobcat Contracting early when estimating project needs to allow us to utilize our wealth of practical lift experience. We can suggest equipment and approaches that enhance constructability, coordinate seamlessly between phases and advise about possible regulatory issues; providing value beyond just showing up with cranes. Partnering with true professionals takes the headaches out of getting cranes perfectly sized for your jobs.