Bobcat Crane Services

One of the easiest ways to throw a wrench in your operations is having a crane break down when you need it to finish your construction project on time. However, there are a variety of things that you can do to be proactive and ensure such a scenario is a rare occurrence.

The professionals from Bobcat Contracting, one of the leading crane companies in Houston, have collected some key tips to ensure your overhead crane lasts for years to come.

Leading Causes of Overhead Crane Breakdowns

Although each situation of an overhead crane breaking down is different, there are some common causes to be aware of such as:

  • Crane Collapse: This is often caused by poor crane installation or by an operator error.


  • Failed Rigging: Rigging failure is almost always caused by human error during the rigging process and if not corrected immediately, can unfortunately lead to crane failure.


  • Overloading: Cranes have specific weight limits for a reason and exceeding these limits can be extremely dangerous and lead to the collapse or buckling of your crane.


  • Improper Assembly: One of the causes of crane boom collapses is improper assembly.


  • Electrocution: Although one of the rarer types of crane accidents, there are many cases of electrocution when a cable or boom comes into contact with a power line that the operator doesn’t see.

5 Top Strategies to Eliminate Breakdowns & Cut Downtime

For those who want to streamline processes, adhere to strict safety regulations, and cut down on costly downtime, we’ve collected the most beneficial strategies for doing so here.

  1. Strict Adherence to Load Limits

As mentioned above, one of the most common scenarios when a crane fails is because it’s been overloaded. Strict adherence to the load limits that your particular crane manufacturer provides is crucial for the safety of workers and others in the area. Load limits are always clearly marked on every crane, so maintaining tolerances should be easy.

  1. Proper Assembly & Disassembly

Installing and disassembling a crane properly will help you avoid any unwanted mishaps at your construction site. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing or removing your crane; doing so can help prevent high-risk scenarios and crane failure.

  1. Safe Rigging Practices

Rigging plays a large role in the safe operation of cranes as it’s integral to properly balancing the load your crane is lifting. Implementing rigging best practices is one way to minimize the chance of accidents. Always double-check that the load you’re lifting is precisely balanced and fastened properly.

  1. Extensive Operator Training

Becoming a crane and rigging operator takes years of training and experience, which is why working with professional crane operators is essential for the success of your construction project. Proper training means not only a familiarity with whatever crane is being used but also its operating procedures, all of your job site’s safety protocols, and what to do in an emergency.

  1. Regular Maintenance & Inspections

Lastly, but certainly not least, the more you inspect your crane and provide it with adequate maintenance, the fewer issues you’ll run into down the road. Additionally, you can also ensure it’s working at peak performance levels and lasts longer.

Contact Your Houston Crane Company Today

Bobcat Contracting specializes in crane rentals, crane repair services, rigging solutions, and much more. To find out about our services or request a quote contact us online today or call (254) 582-0205.