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Prepare Your Company Job Site for a Crane Arrival

A crane can help enhance the productivity at your worksite and ensure your team achieves the highest levels of efficiency within their building project. But before you decide to rent equipment from a crane company, you should first consider how to prepare the site for the arrival of the machinery. 

Let’s explore how to prepare your job site for a crane.

Fill Out the Paperwork

Before the crane arrives, you should go over the paperwork provided by the crane company. Does the contract set out all terms of the agreement? Do you have access to the crane for the duration of the project? 

You will also need to ensure all of the the appropriate permits for the crane have been secured. Crane operators should fill out their details and qualifications before the crane arrives. The crane company will likely need this information before they deliver the equipment to your site if they are not providing the operators for you.

Another valuable piece of paperwork to consider is your site insurance. A crane can change the required level of coverage on your job site. How much liability insurance does the team have, and do you need to upgrade your liability insurance before integrating the crane within your working projects? These are each key considerations to evaluate before receiving the crane.

Organize The Details of the Project with the Crane Company

Ensure that you and your crane rental company are on the same page regarding the working project. Confer with their team about the following details before you agree to the rental:

  • The nature of the terrain
  • The type of crane used
  • The load weight
  • The height of the load
  • Crane travel distance requirements

Setting the Site Up for Crane Access

How will the crane be delivered to your job site? Is there enough room on the site currently for the crane?  Will you have to move other equipment to provide the space? You should also ensure the crane can get through the site’s gate. This process involves asking the crane company the dimensions for the equipment and then clarifying the amount of space available on the site. 

Work with your on-site team to assess the terrain and determine how best to provide access to your site. Any bumps or changes in the road surface can make it difficult to move the crane safely. 

So, you might need access to a flat area of land to transfer the crane from the transport vehicle to the site. You might also need to speak with the site owners and get permission from them before you accept the crane at the site. 

The site owners’ insurance company will likely have to sign off on the crane delivery.

Pay Attention to Site Hazards

Multiple site hazards can prevent safe and effective use of the crane. Analyze these hazards carefully before you accept a contract for the equipment. For example, consider nearby power lines. Can your team safely use the crane and not impact local power systems?  

Another element to review is ditches and drop-offs at the construction site. Do you have a plan for moving the crane safely, and can your team complete the project within these limitations? You might also take tree branches and local natural elements into consideration. Remove all potential impediments before you accept the delivery of the crane. Your team should mark any potential hazards they cannot remove with warning signs.

Commit to Securing Crane Loads

Secure all crane loads effectively once you begin using the equipment. Ensure there’s no loose debris within the load and that the load cannot come free from the crane during the lift. Have an experienced crane operator review these elements before you begin the work.

Enact Safety Measures

Safety is the foremost priority on any construction site. Ensure that you have a comprehensive safety plan and that all team members review the process before beginning the work. 

This safety plan should include the following elements:

  • Put up the warning signs
  • Ensure all team members wear protective gear
  • Analyze the weather forecast for high winds and heavy rains
  • Complete a comprehensive risk assessment
  • Distribute the safety plan to all team members
  • Minimize distractions on the site

Conduct a Pre-Site Inspection

Work with the crane rental company on the pre-site inspection process. Have their experts join your team to analyze the conditions and ensure that they consider every eventuality for optimal safe crane performance. 

Are the weather conditions suitable for the project currently? How stable is the terrain? Can the crane easily access and exit the site safely?

Prepare the Work Calendar

With the confirmation of the site’s suitability and the final approval from the crane rental team, you can then place the project on the work schedule. Ensure the area is free of other team members when the crane is in operation. Focus your working strategy around the most productive and cost-efficient use of the equipment. 

Ready to Speak with a Crane Rental Expert? Call Bobcat Contracting

Bobcat Contracting is your trusted local expert for crane rental services. 

We offer a broad range of construction equipment for use in various project capacities. To discuss an upcoming project in detail, book a consultation with our team today.