In managing complex rigging work, it’s critical to work with an experienced team that understands the project elements and the planning requirements to reach the ideal conclusion. The team at Bobcat Contracting has decades of experience in managing crane and rigging work throughout Texas, and we’re showcasing the important elements for local projects.

  • Transportation Work

In some cases, equipment must be transported from a depot or separate site to the new site for use within the crane and rigging project. It involves working with a heavy haul team to move the equipment safely across the highway. We can help take on this process and ensure that deliveries are made on time and according to the project schedule.

  • Budgeting Needs

Budgeting is a key element in any project, but crane and rigging work is often costly considering timeline restrictions and equipment needs. Working with a specialist budgeting company can help to ensure that work is completed at a reduced cost for the firm. Budgeting professionals can isolate the various costs involved in the project, from personnel, to equipment rentals, to insurance and safety costs, and create a budget that fits within the client’s parameters. This work needs to be completed well in advance of the project start time and should be well understood by all involved in the project.

  • Safety Considerations

Is the company following the latest regulations for the industry? What training has the Texas crane and rigging team had to ensure they follow the leading safety protocols for high altitude machine operation? Teams must complete a safety audit as part of their initial planning stages and ensure that these elements are considered and included before signing off on project start times.

Let Our Bobcat Team Help

When projects require expert Texas crane and rigging teams, Bobcat Contracting can provide the required guidance and management. Our company has decades of experience in project work throughout Texas, and we’re available on short-notice to answer questions and provide insight on project elements. To learn more or begin a new project with our experts, call today for a consultation.