Sometimes people try to claim that the American Dream is dead, but don’t say that around our President and founder, Roy M. “Marc” Young. Bobcat Contracting is proof of what one man with a backhoe can accomplish!

That’s exactly how Bobcat Contracting began, over twenty years ago. Marc grew up on a small farm, run by his veterinarian father, and when he left to go to college he took a backhoe with him to make a little money on the side. His dedication to hard work and customer satisfaction kept him flush throughout his college years.
After graduating and getting a job at an insurance company, Marc quickly realized he had been making more money with the backhoe than behind a desk. So, thanks in part to some contacts he made while in college, he started taking digging contracts from companies across Texas.
A few years later, Bobcat Contracting was born!

The Birth of a Texas Success Story

Bobcat Contracting, LLC, was officially incorporated in 1997, after Marc had raised the funds to purchase a few more pieces of equipment. Since then, the story has been one of constant growth and success. In fact, Bobcat Contracting has seen an average twenty percent growth every year since its founding.

A company that began with one freelancer and a hand-me-down backhoe now employs more than 350 people, and is continuing to hire more people every year! In that time, Bobcat has repeatedly been recognized as one of the best employers in the area, as well as being consistently lauded for their commitment to safety. This is not simple lip service: Bobcat has an EMR rating of ..61, which is unheard of in the industry.

Today, Bobcat Contracting has three primary branches, allowing them to provide turnkey services to the oil and construction industry:
• Pipeline & fabrication: Offering full pipeline construction and implementation services for pipes up to 36″ diameter.
• Crane operation & crane hire: Bobcat is recognized among the top crane rental companies in Texas, along with ad-hoc rigging and lifting services.
• Electrical & instrumentation: A full range of electrical instrumentation services for the oil, gas, and construction fields.

That’s a lot to accomplish in a couple decades, but that’s just how Marc Young operates. To learn more about Bobcat Contracting services, contact us today!